Press Review
Juli 2024
Rostocker Medizintechniker veredeln
täglich Tausende Implantate
published in the Ostsee-Zeitung from
23.07.2024 (online on 22.07.2024)
June 2023
NDR television report about DOT
"innovative Medizintechnik für die Welt – made in Rostock"
published in the NDR Nordmagazin
in the section "Land und Leute" on 07.06.2023
April 2023
Implantate erobern den Weltmarkt
Das Rostocker Medizintechnik-Unternehmen DOT setzt weiter auf Expansion
published in the NNN of 27.04.2023
April 2022
Exzellenter Schutz gegen Verschleiß
Exportschlager aus Rostock - Teil 6: Firma DOT beschichtet Implantate und medizinische Instrumente
published in the NNN 02.04.2022
18 March 2016
The background story to the motif
"Glanz trifft Leistung" can be seen in the video: Schauen Sie hier>>
3 March 2016
"Innovation auf Norddeutsch!" - is the title of the new MV magazine, which was enclosed with the Süddeutsche Zeitung. You can read it online here: www.mecklenburg-vorpommern.de/service/downloads/

January 2016
DOT GmbH receives European and US
patent for balloon coating technology
Our Press release as pdf file

16 November 2015
A new series of adverts from Landesmarketing MV presents top achievements in business, trade and science in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern with strong motifs. Read more>>

30. September 2015
Internet/Online: www.talkofthetownwc.com/blog
"German company opens first North American
facility in Whitley County"
01 Mai 2014
Internet/Online: www.healio.com/orthopedics
"DOT GmbH establishes DOT America Inc"
22 April 2014
Internet/Online: www.bonezonepub.com
"DOT GmbH invests $4.5MM to establish production facility in Columbia City"
17 April 2014
Internet/Online: www.talkofthetownwc.com/blog
"German orthopedics company plans to establish North American operations in Columbia City location - DOT to open in Blue River Industrial park, adding 20 jobs by 2016"
20 November 2012
"Neues Knochen-Projekt"
20. November 2012
Norddeutsche Neueste Nachrichten
"Implantate für die Ewigkeit"
14/15 April 2012
Ostsee-Zeitung "Die Wirtschaft brummt: Neue Arbeitsplätze, neue Gebäude"